Character Face
Short explanation :
Ive made a post about this before
Which obviously didnt get the attention of many people.
When i first joined the server (back in Jun 22, 2016) i had a completely different face, and my friend @Josef Stalin told me that his face changed aswell. Thats why i wonder where the old ones have gone and if there is any desire for more faces.
Detailed description
The main idea is more faces, i know we have alot of ethnicities but i would like some more detailed faces, so that i dont mistake my friend for someone else and have to look at someones clothes to recognize someone from afar. Also this will create a better RP situation for cops who will get a more detailed description of a suspect instead of what they were wearing or what car they drove.
The other thing i would like to see is the old faces back, such as these two

*Other additions:
Feel free to let me know what you think of this idea and what kind of faces you would like to see!
Character Face
Short explanation :
Ive made a post about this before
Which obviously didnt get the attention of many people.
When i first joined the server (back in Jun 22, 2016) i had a completely different face, and my friend @Josef Stalin told me that his face changed aswell. Thats why i wonder where the old ones have gone and if there is any desire for more faces.
Detailed description
The main idea is more faces, i know we have alot of ethnicities but i would like some more detailed faces, so that i dont mistake my friend for someone else and have to look at someones clothes to recognize someone from afar. Also this will create a better RP situation for cops who will get a more detailed description of a suspect instead of what they were wearing or what car they drove.
The other thing i would like to see is the old faces back, such as these two

*Other additions:
Feel free to let me know what you think of this idea and what kind of faces you would like to see!