Mr. Nice's inactivity notice <3

Reaction score
United Kingdom,
Firstly, this is not permanent. I have already written an inactivity statement to my fellow administrators.

Basically, I have just become more and more bored with perp, I do not feel that I am performing my duties as both an admin and a freind to a satisfactory standard. I shall be taking a one week break (I may do this once a month), to see if my enjoyment returns. I regret not being able to engage in RP sits because I was always secluded, growing drugs in order to buy my car. I have missed out on valuable RP sits that I could have been involved in, if it had not been for this.

I see this week off as a restart; hopefully when I am back I will be able to concentrate on things such as: friendships, rp and administration rather than how many drugs I can grow in a day. I also feel regret for the friends whom I have neglected. Hopefully, you forgive me as I do not want anything to interfere with the good relationships I have made on perpheads. (I will not name anyone but you know who you are).

If I come back after the weeks break and still do not feel the same enjoyment I will just extend the break to wherever necessary however, in the mean time, have a good time and see you all, maybe, in a weeks time!

P.S. I NEED a break, for those of you who are interested, I will still be on the forums, steam etc. I just not on the server.
My god, growing is so boring! Takes 4 minutes to craft 'em all. Sad to see you go but its a right choice you've made. Cya in a week.
I knew you would make this post since you litterly told me this 4 minutes before making this post... Anyways i hope this break will help u since i would miss u to much in game mate ;)
I hope this break will do you very well and helps you succeed in finding the fun back ( In rp as well as being an admin ) I still going to miss you in game you are an awesome very good friend and I will definitely keep contact with you over steam etc. Hopefully see you again in a week bro :)
Well it's a good choice to take a break every now and again, hope you come back soon though :)

Everyone gets bored of perp every now and again, and taking a break is the best choice. Enjoy your break mate ;)
Just don't play and administrate then?
You've only been on the job for the past 4/5 weeks?
We all get a bit bored, but the good thing about PERP is meeting new people ingame is what refreshes the content.
Ah all has their days as i got, but you're not leaving as much as i did. I fully understand how you feel i got bored by this server and the game cause my friends got banned and i didn't find the server fun anymore i hope you go back in 1 week and find out that you enjoy the server again! (If i spelled wrong it's cause i'm tired and it's pretty late!)