MrLewis #Lewis4Senior

Reaction score
Lewis, in my opinion, is a great role-player and admin. After knowing him I found he is one of the nicest admins on the server. When he does reports he never tries to speak over people and keeps the sits calm, when he role-plays he plays with care and isn't afraid to help a friend out. This may not be much but I think that Lewis is one of the most hard working staff.
The spam of #Lewis4Senior posts may make it look like a piss take, but its not. Everyone who has made a post actually thinks Lewis or Creepis are good admins. Just stop rating dumb.
Lewis is really cool and very helpful. I'd like to see him as an admin sometime...
Yes, Lewis is quite amusing in the way that he handles situations, in the fact that he takes it on extremely calm and takes into account all sides of an argument before deciding his verdict.

He's also, and I can confirm, a great baby axer. You know what I mean @MrLewis
I have to agree that Lewis has always been a staff member to look up to, he has additionally been staff for quite some time now and would make a good senior, if a second one was needed again.