
Reaction score
IKEA - Northern Europe
I have to recommend MrLewis at this point, his dedication as an administrator has proven himself as a staff member and knows exactly what the staff team needs, Lewis took the initiative to have a staff meeting that was requested by several staff members, he was also the one holding the meeting going through point by point. Lewis is also someone who is always there for you as a staff member, knows exactly what has to be done at what point. Lewis is also very active in the enforcer bit asking if they need any help with situations, helping them out in a good way and basically just being there for them as a mentor. I personally look up to Lewis except for the noclip burgers

@MrLewis is by far the best candidate for Senior Administrator at this point after proving himself since he was an enforcer.
It's true. He's great at enforcing the rules, just a tad naff at guitar hero ;)
This is the first time i have ever agreed with you john, @MrLewis dedication to the staff team is incredible i diffenalty think he would make a great senior administrator.
Lewis is also very handy with reports, he has dealt with so many of mine and has always done it efficiantly and professinally.
100% make him senior.
Agreed, I love my little jewbarb and he sucks arse at Guitar Hero
;) He's been amazing since he regained his Enforcer position back again and would make a great addition to the Senior Administration team along with @GraveDinosaur, they are just perfect and made for this.
I have to agree with Daymon here , Lewis is one of the best administrators I've seen on the server , He's active and professional!
Give him Senior Admin already!
I dunno, @GraveDinosaur is also a good candidate for Senior Admin, just throwining it out there, but onto Lewis:

Lewis and I were buddies back in V1 and still are, I've yet to see him do anything sketchy as a staff member aside from BurgerGate (Or noclip burgers), and genuinely see him as an authorotive figure within the staff team. It's gotta be said that he's a dedicated staff member and genuinely should be rewarded for his dedication and persistence within the staff team. Despite he's a Brummie @MrLewis is a fantastic admin tho so xoxo
MrLewis in my opinion is one of the best candidates for enforcer, not just because his my best mate but because his been loyal to the staff team and one of the longest serving if you actually don't count his messed up resignation, MrLewis does definately deserve the role as senior administration since he does BTEC's and wont be inactive doing exams ;) and the fact that he also is active.
Love you.
MrLewis would make a great Snr Admin, he's always doing report :kappa: l, he's never afk :kappa: and he has never used his noclip for any gain :kappa: .

With all jokes aside Lewis has helped me out just about when I first joined the server, ever since he banned me for using +left we've had a great bond and he has helped me out so much. Not only does this guy know how to be an admin really well, but he also knows how to be a friendly player who can genuinely help someone amend their mistakes rather than just banning them and leaving it at that.
If I ever need help with anything on the server my 1st guy to ask is this geez and he never lets me down; unless he is playing guitar hero :kappa:
Hope you get Snr soon lad, you deserve it.

I'll pm you my PayPal later so you can pay me for this bs ;)
@MrLewis is nice, he's a good guitar hero player and he's nice to his mom so he quits streaming when she's going to bed (lol)
He's the best senior candidate right now.