MrLewis122 Inactivity Post

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Okay, so as alot of you have asked or may be curios, yes i have and will continue to be inactive on PERPheads. I've had drastic grade drops in my schooling life and ironically since i've stopped playing PERP they've increased (I Was too addicted to PERP as are most people :P) I Will resume my activity when my year 10 schooling is over and when everything is back on track. Thanks everyone for reading and i hope to see all of you soon! -Lewis
MrLewis122 said:
**UPDATE** - I am now resuming activity.
took you 4 days to get your grades up ? , god mine takes like a fricking year of hard work :)
MrLewis122 said:
**UPDATE** - I am now resuming activity.
Well i wish, V2 Came out plus no more exams, so you know ;).
MrLewis122 said:
**UPDATE** - I am now resuming activity.
can I ask when it came out , because im banned because I was in the mood to act like an idiot, and where can I see the new cool things thats added ?