Multiple recommendations on those who need it

Reaction score
I decided to bend the rules a little. Here's all the players I can think of right now that I see as underappreciated and need a recommendation.

@The HitMan A guy that is smarter than he seems and also an underrated police officer.

@Jeremey Clarkson A nice guy, which certainly is underrated. This guy is a good police officer, mayor and roleplayer.

@Eviction Notice This guy is secretly a furry and likes chess. What a nerd. He is (mostly) a fun guy though, and actually knows how to RP properly. When he wants to.

@Hazza56 is a minge. However he is a good minge. Great at satire, and is also a nice guy.

@Thomas DeSimone
You two are great fun. Both know how to RP, and especially Tommy is good at satire. Also surprisingly easy to talk to both of you.

@Exrobite I loved Doggo from day 1. It probably won't last though. This guy is a pretty nice guy, and is so bad at baiting people it is tragic how many times it suceeds. Doggo is love.

@BlitZKrieG I didn't manage to tag you, because you are forum banned, you jewjuice-box. A fun and nice guy, with good taste in music.

@Sanuhl has the best memes. He is friendly, and a good person. All hail the king of dankness.

And I can't recommend this last player enough: @Prepper You should know why. (I miss you, come back :sorry:)

Here you go. My all-in-one recommendation. Some are a bit later than they should be, but that is because I just never got around to make them.
If you aren't here it might be because I don't like you think most people already know a lot about you and the recommendation is uneeded.
Although a bit late, I should also recommend @Kitty (Yes this is like 2 months late. Better late than never, though.)

I didn't originally include this one, as she isn't really here anymore, but I decided to just put it here anyways. I said I was going to do it, after all.

Kitty is the best dispatcher I have ever experienced in the police force this far. Calm, precise, and always making sure everyone has something to do and that nobody is alone in an unit. Not to mention a nice person when she doesn't act offended in the shoutbox.
There you go, are you happy now?
Thank you very very much for the recommendation, I was forum banned as you knew so I couldn't read the post, but thank you so much for the recommendation, I appreciate a lot. You are something special yourself really.