So, as all the pubs, bars and clubs were closed, any chances of me gigging for the coming months were crushed. A local from my home area started a facebook group called black country lockdown, it’s full of karaoke and open mic style singing. I thought I’d contribute to it because I miss my fucking pub dearly.
Now I’m not the best, won’t always sing exactly in tune or with perfect timbre, I’m still quite intermediate. Actually would like criticism on areas to improve and recognition of good shit, got three singing styles lmfao
I have posted this on my profile but yknow, here you go
Now I’m not the best, won’t always sing exactly in tune or with perfect timbre, I’m still quite intermediate. Actually would like criticism on areas to improve and recognition of good shit, got three singing styles lmfao
I have posted this on my profile but yknow, here you go