My inactivity

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(This is a straight copy from the thread I've posted in Staff Discussion (Only available to staff, of course). Just decided to share with everyone else as well)

Hello, everyone.

I am certain that several have noticed that I have been somewhat inactive. The reason(s) behind this is/are two things.
First off, I've been quite sick recently. That included daily vomiting and diarrhea. Now, this was from around Thursday 2 weeks ago, and the entirety of last week. It's just about gone, so that's great.
Now comes the second reason. As some may know, I have recently started on an internship as a data technician. Now, the location for this internship is around 90 km (56 miles) away from me. The travel itself is around 1.5 hours each way, including an 8 hour work schedule. This means I am away from 11-12 hours every day. I get home at 6 PM (latest) and 5:20 PM soonest. This really limits my time to myself and other activities, as I have to go to bed early in other to wake up again at 5:30 AM.
In other words, the time I have for myself, the server, and all other activities, is around 2-4 hours every day. That is not a lot, compared to what I have before (At least 2-3 hours less), which means that maintaining a constant presence on the server becomes problematic.
I do try being active, though I usually don't stick around for long, especially with how I have to read more onto programming, in order to make sure what I am doing is correct. This probably means my server time is 1-2 hours at max.

I have considered to actually resign due to this, as it will go on for the next 4.5 years, however, after previously discussing it with a few other staff members, including Bolli, I have chosen to see how it goes. If it becomes too troublesome, I will probably eventually decide to resign.

Anyway, this is just so that everyone knows.
You're one of the funniest Mods Ever. Please don't resign and good luck with your internship.
As Bilbo said: Don't you dare resign dit Pede Fiksvin. You're probably one of the mods/admins I trust most on the server. I Would not want you to resign. However I see how hard your daily schedule is. I Can't imagine my school days like that. Mostly because all schools i need to go to for the next 5 years is within walking-range but let's not talk about that. Anyway thanks for the explanation and I hope you'll find time to be on the server anyway.

Ps. Skal du ha' tæsk? Det får du hvis du resigner :kappa:
I understand why you are doing this and I wish you luck both in finding the time for perpheads and for your life. Whatever your choice the community will not hold it against you ignore all of us and do what you want to do. Perpheads may be losing staff but it will never lose its Community.

Have a good one you were a damn good mod.