My steam curator review group!

your reviews are so basic makes me cringe, looks like they were written by an 8 year old with the generic "this games great! 10/10!" kinda shit.

to improve stop writing them
Your reviews are, somewhat quite bland to say the least my dude.

Also saw your review on Unturned

“Unturned has unlimited possibilties. Its a roleplay game, its a survival game, its a building game! A great buy!

Its free to play tho lol.

Anyways, they are positive and enthusiastic reviews and they more or less give your personal opinion on the game, So keep at it lad.
I wanted to know what you guys think of it!
He's not wanting just criticism bombarded at him, he wants constructive critcism. People are disliking the post without actually saying anything, to be quite honest I find that really shitty. He's trying something new yet is bombarded with shit. Tell him what he's doing wrong and tell him how he can improve. Tell him what he's doing good and tell him how to become better. That's the whole point of the thread.

Anyways, moving on. I believe you can add more detail into your reviews - to become a reliable curator you want to include detail, lots of it. Don't be one-sided. Look at the negatives aswell. Structure it well, for example:
Paragraph 1: Good point
Paragraph 2: Bad point
Paragraph 3: Good point
It really depends on your views, if you dislike the game change the structure to Bad point, good point, bad point. If you want to make them leave on a good point, then make sure you're last point is a good point.

If you want any help just Private Message me and I'll help you out
i mean whats the point if ur not doing anything special, ur reviews look like every other american sat in their car but whatever floats ur boat. I'd suggest if u made this seriously u shouldn't give a game like pubg 10/10 when there's a million problems with it (not beta btw)
@Harris 200 character limit.......
Simple way round it, I'll give an example of a review for Garry's Mod within two-hundered characters:

Garry's Mod, a large, popular sandbox game with many possibilities.
People will get salty easily
GMOD is a game which is extremely fun. It's a game I've played for over 5000 hours and it is amazing.

Exactly to the point, exactly 200 characters. When I said 3 paragraphs I didn't mean paragraphs I meant lines. Sorry about that.
Nice work, I'd like to see some criticism though on the reviews rather than all positivity as definitely every game has its flaws. Though the limit is 200 chars, I'm sure you can find a way to structure it well and reword it to fit. Nice job though
You invited me to that 'review' group and I'm just going to blank it for now until you gain the ability to properly review games instead of stating the obvious. I think it's different what you are doing and that's cool, you're trying things and I respect that. I suggest that you carry on, the more you proceed further the more experience you will gain which will help the structure and everything else when you make reviews. Don't take this as hate.