New ban request rule!

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Nottingham, England
Topic: A new rule for ban requests on the forum

Short explanation (in notes):
Basically, when making a new request:
> User's may provide a narrated video that they recorded of the demo
> Even If the user has provided the above, they must provide a file of the demo

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
When making a ban request now, users can post a video they recorded of there demo, they could be hiding themselves breaking the rules... And it is a hassle to ask them to upload the demo after they've the narrated video or just a video...
In some cases; a video uploaded to mega-share or YouTube yet the admin needs a wider perspective to be able to judge.

I hope you understand how this can be frustrating, thank-you.

Optional additions:
Make it a requirement for a ban request
Why would people show irrelevant evidence? That would just waste peoples time, and how it is now is fine in my opinion. If they do hide something that is relevant, then the person they are making a ban request on can bring that up and show it with his own evidence

Well If the user doesn't think it's worth "wasting time" to get a demo, they aren't that passionate about the ban request.
HUGE +support

I've been thinking about this all the time. People can just stop a Youtube video when they want it, they can skip the Drive mode, they can skip a part, fast forwards...

The admins have to be able to see everything themselves, with nothing left out.
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