New Formula - Amethyst Race

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Amethyst Racing has been dead as hell and this is for three simple reasons. This post is to layout my thoughts and take opinions from others.


1) lack of motivation (biggest one)
2) no way to safely track longer races / sophisticated tracks and ensure people don’t cheat
3) suggestions and other efforts to have a mechanic for such a feature are in limbo (several pages behind and unreviewed) or denied.

I want to remaster it. I want to enhance it and make it welcoming to every player. The rough idea of the new model is:

Sponsored Amethyst races are funded at a donation level by citizens wanting to watch / participate / do “other” things (hint think some fast & furious type escape plan amidst heavy traffic)

Once a sponsored race meets its donation quota, the race is hosted and participants are called / invited privately.

Every finishing racer gets a minimum payout, top 3 get higher payouts that increase as you go from 3rd to 2nd to 1st. Racers that don’t finish, don’t get paid.

I’d also want to have more than just myself staffing the race. Maybe a few others at key points where cheating can happen to make sure every racer did the proper track as explained.