Server Suggestion New radio stations

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Suggestion Title: New radio stations
Suggestion Description: Would be nice to get some new radio stations as a replacement for the broken ones something I’m sure all players would love, mainly adding a baseline radio station for all the uk players. but make sure the radio station is uk based for the vibe

or even better if possible create server based radio stations where people are able to apply for a dj role where they can host shows and play tracks ext. similar to that of something like simulator radio, euro truck simulator radio stations with live updates ext.

Why should this be added?:
- replaces broken radios
More diversity/selection of radios to choose from
100% no criticism to an update of this especially if u add a baseline radio
better atmosphere a sorta change from the standard 3 radios that being Iloveraido, 90s and the power hitz
Make the community more active and new layer to rp such as live police updates on situations eg lane closures , recent police activity or mayor stuff ext.

What negatives could this have?:
- maybe an extra layer of admin however defiantly wouldn’t be hard to do as players can provide YouTube links of suggestions and they can be checked and played ext.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: replaces the broken radio stations with new ones which work and they are new so people would be happy (need baseline radio)
Also people are able to broadcast on this if they wish by going up to a npc or even making people pay for adverts to be played on the radios which would be server based like the billboards
Suggestion Title: New radio stations
Suggestion Description: Would be nice to get some new radio stations as a replacement for the broken ones something I’m sure all players would love, mainly adding a baseline radio station for all the uk players. but make sure the radio station is uk based for the vibe

or even better if possible create server based radio stations where people are able to apply for a dj role where they can host shows and play tracks ext. similar to that of something like simulator radio, euro truck simulator radio stations with live updates ext.

Why should this be added?:
- replaces broken radios
More diversity/selection of radios to choose from
100% no criticism to an update of this especially if u add a baseline radio
better atmosphere a sorta change from the standard 3 radios that being Iloveraido, 90s and the power hitz
Make the community more active and new layer to rp such as live police updates on situations eg lane closures , recent police activity or mayor stuff ext.

What negatives could this have?:
- maybe an extra layer of admin however defiantly wouldn’t be hard to do as players can provide YouTube links of suggestions and they can be checked and played ext.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: replaces the broken radio stations with new ones which work and they are new so people would be happy (need baseline radio)
add aux with yt links like tv's without obv the tv
IIRC the station shut down with no suitable replacement.
i was thinking of making the radios player based, like perheads creates a streaming site or something where people can request songs to be played, it will add an area of instructiveness.
i was thinking of making the radios player based, like perheads creates a streaming site or something where people can request songs to be played, it will add an area of instructiveness.
This was a thing at one point, it slowly died though.

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