Whats PMC?
PMC (Private Military Company) is a company which serves clients in alot of ways, such as: Assasinations, Property guarding, Raids, Information, Hostage rescues, Taking a hostage and sometimes makes contracts with the goverment aswell.
PMC (Private Military Company) is a company which serves clients in alot of ways, such as: Assasinations, Property guarding, Raids, Information, Hostage rescues, Taking a hostage and sometimes makes contracts with the goverment aswell.
PMCs earn money by making contracts with their clients,
the amount of money depends on the type of contract.
the amount of money depends on the type of contract.
PMCs by their names show how they work, like a military.
If you join a PMC you dont have to have military skills.
Most of the PMCs train the people that join them in their own way.
Keep this on your note: PMCs have really really hard training.
Definetly harder then the normal military training.
If you join a PMC you dont have to have military skills.
Most of the PMCs train the people that join them in their own way.
Keep this on your note: PMCs have really really hard training.
Definetly harder then the normal military training.
It can be any brand, as long as it is black colored.
If we have plenty of cars from other members you wouldnt need one of these cars. I would tell you if there are cars you can fit in.
If you are not a VIP you can buy the Dodge Charger 2012.
If you are a VIP you can either buy the Cadilac Esclade or the Hummer H1 (I would recommend Hummer H1 since it is 100K-200K~ + VIP which is about 200K-300K~).
All of the vehicles are black colored aswell.

It can be any brand, as long as it is black colored.
If we have plenty of cars from other members you wouldnt need one of these cars. I would tell you if there are cars you can fit in.
If you are not a VIP you can buy the Dodge Charger 2012.
If you are a VIP you can either buy the Cadilac Esclade or the Hummer H1 (I would recommend Hummer H1 since it is 100K-200K~ + VIP which is about 200K-300K~).
All of the vehicles are black colored aswell.

You dont need a firearms level, but you need to have some backup M4A1 or M16A4.
I will provide you with guns, but the way it works is like this:
You get either M4A1 or M16A4 (You choose) but you would only get one and only when i give you a mission.
If you and your squad successfully completed you would give them back to me although, if you lose the gun you will need to pay the cost of the gun.
Members i know personally will get provided with better guns such as: M24 for sniper support.
I will provide you with guns, but the way it works is like this:
You get either M4A1 or M16A4 (You choose) but you would only get one and only when i give you a mission.
If you and your squad successfully completed you would give them back to me although, if you lose the gun you will need to pay the cost of the gun.
Members i know personally will get provided with better guns such as: M24 for sniper support.
There are ranks and "Classes" ofcourse.
I will not cound myself as a rank as i dont usually do missions im just dealing and providing the contracts and missions.
These are the ranks:
Squad leaders
Squad members
(I will post the members in this spoiler)
I will not cound myself as a rank as i dont usually do missions im just dealing and providing the contracts and missions.
These are the ranks:
Squad leaders
Squad members
(I will post the members in this spoiler)
(The teams will be posted in here when we have enough members to make atleast 2 teams)
Application Format:
Why you think you should join:
Game time:
Speciality (Dont say how good you are, say your gaming skills and in-game skills):
Prefered gun (M16A4 or M4A1):
Are you planning to join with friends:
Why you think you should join:
Game time:
Speciality (Dont say how good you are, say your gaming skills and in-game skills):
Prefered gun (M16A4 or M4A1):
Are you planning to join with friends:
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