Police Suggestion PD Meeting Room Board Drawable.

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Paralake Fire Department, PLC
Description of the idea: Replace (or cover up) the board in the PD meeting room with an interact-able GUI that allows you to draw shapes that players can see + multiple color support + Text support hooking into the colors.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Allows for more interactive tactical planning with visual aid.
- Adds to immersion and roleplay value.
- Allows for the realism of WHO WROTE KILLROY WAS HERE ON THE BOARD.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Some aren't artistic.
- To many memes.
- You actually have to make this.

Images: Untitled.png
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I think this is a good idea if it is possible, this will allow much better planned raids within the PLPD such as the one we did at McUwes yesterday.
+Support - Part of the reason the meeting room isn't used much I think is because of its limited planning ability. If the board featured standard floorplan templates of every building or apartment for us to then draw on that would be cool.

I've been toying with a website which allows drawings so people can watch at the same time and hopefully it goes well.
It'd be nice for this, but at the same time, I don't really see this being introduced or used much. You're better off using a Live draw website and give everyone the link. I can already see what things will be drawn on that board with this in place. Take Payday 2's drawing board, The number of people that drew penis' on the board was more than the player base of PERP.
+Support As some people just saw we had the meeting in the PD Parking lot and @Tyla Jai had a hard time explaining it and had to show us what he wanted us to do with his Phys gun, this would be excellent when planing raids and such!

Coordination is important and this is crucial before raids, having a board to draw on to present to everyone would be very handy
Can’t wait to walk into the PD meeting Room to see a crudely drawn penis or swastika or a swastika made of penises.

Seriously though kinda sick idea, maybe it would have people use the meeting room?
This would be a pretty cool addition but I see it as very excessive. It would get used for the first few weeks and forgot about like 90% of other small updates.

If people really wanna RP out some cool meeting plans you could use something like https://awwapp.com
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