Peninsula - Open world survival game

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When i was told to make a game in gamemaker for school, i kindly denied and requested to make an unity game instead, doing this means an instant A if it's good and that would give me a huge atvantage.

I'll probably share the code and game when im done(like 2 weeks left lolololol) so i'll depend on assets for things like weapons and whatnot.
Simply making this thread to keep track of what the fuck im doing but i really would appricate feedback and especially suggestions,

my map so far, please ignore the weird leafs and graphical glitches, unity engine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I made it using gaia, enviro and aquas

The idea behind my game is simple, you work on this island inspecting the flora and fauna, but due a storm the only dirt road leading to this island has been heavily damaged. Ships are unable to respond to you for 48 hours due severe damage to the docks and ships. You have to wait 48 hours(like 48 minutes ingame) for help, but during this time you need shelter, food and a fire.
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Put an easter egg NPC in it thats me screaming whilst shooting at the player but missing every shot
You should literally make it 48 hours of playtime.

I tought about this, but on average, that'd mean it will take over two months to complete the game if you're the average joe who plays no more than 10 hours a week. I could do this, but what would i fill the game with for 48 hours?

Fallout 4 has 144 quests, playing these at a level of leisure it would take you roughly 43 hours to complete just the main story.

To make 48 hours as entertaining as possible i need 6 years and a crew of 100 people. unless i make it so shit.
More gameplay is nice, and i'll probably continue developing the game after handing it in for school to get it greenlit or whatever for 2$ but no way i can make it last that long
added a main menu, didn't make it myself as it would take to much time to add settings and whatnot.
Changed some trees which look better and eat less resources,

Game laggy like hell because i need to optimize things first, but that comes later.
[DOUBLEPOST=1517788071][/DOUBLEPOST]here is the very first version you can test. you can walk around until you eventually die, and instead of going to heaven, you're going to see a terrible tf2 meme being looped.

planning to have animals and weapons ready somewhere this month, so there is actual gameplay. Crafting and an inventory system is also in the works right now, but no point to add that into the game right now since you cant use it.
anyway would be nice if you could tell me how your performance is on what setting on what systemit will probably be garbage

game size is like 1GB, the download is ~200MB

download your free virus by clicking here

@Aquaa because apple is fucking gay you're going to need to wait till i can hop on a school computer to compile on a mac

also the chance of it crashing on ultra is pretty high because im terrible hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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someone make a compilation of everytime theyve been told theyre gonna make an IA complaint on you and have that as the death screen to heaven. oh and dont forget the holiday doll
someone make a compilation of everytime theyve been told theyre gonna make an IA complaint on you and have that as the death screen to heaven. oh and dont forget the holiday doll
im sorry but the amount of times that happens even exceed the storage capacity of a NASA data center.
Sneaky, I really do love the concept behind this all. You've responded to the queries of making it 48 hours by asking how you would fill it. I know it sounds kinda silly but maybe 24 scripted events when it becomes extremely stormy every two hours for like 15 minutes. In these heavy storms, the shelter takes damage, you will easily freeze and maybe it gets worse as time goes on. Being caught out in these storms could be a near death sentence.

I dunno, seems like it could be fun
step 1: get it released on steam and mark it with this blue fucker here

step 2: make some fuckin BANK