Map Suggestion PerpHeads practice place. PerpPrac.

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Suggestion Title: PerpHeads practice place. PerpPrac.
Suggestion Description: PerpPrac is a place on the map that you can go with car or monorail and practice on your aim (the shooting range in city is not good enough to have a good aim). in PerpPrac people can prac on moving/not moving NPCs/Objects and maybe NPCs that can shoot you (get a fake health bar to see if you died or not). They can practice on there aim from long range to middle range to close range,
depend what they choose. Can test whatever gun they want. the practice place is private, you and yourself, No people that will be annoying and if someone will be able to shoot through the wall the friendly fire need to be off.
Need entrence price (what ever you want) I thought about 10k. because people will go to there alot of times so its 10k and then another and another.
People have 30mins-1hour each time(you choose). the place can be added in places that is big flat and useless (like behind suburbs monorail) or just add more place to map. Trust me... people will go crazy about it.
Wish you will do it! alot of people have a shit aim and they need to practice alot.

Why should this be added?:
It should be added because of the people on this game really have a bad aim and the shooting range is really small and not able to make people be better.
People can get a better aim and then they will not rage on every death and every miss and they will stop saying "I am bad asf" and things like that.
I think alot people will like it and will go for it

What negatives could this have?:
- dupe guns! Make sure it will be like shooting range (gun will be gone after getting out)!

- killing people that is not in the place but nearby from there with sniper or guns! make sure that the place is not open and is fully closed! (like when you go on shooting range you teleported to a closed place)

- Maybe there is more but I can't think about more then it.

Useful Images: Alot of examples that you can take from the game rust for the shooting range (like UKN training grounds and things)
While it would be nice to see something like that, there are at least two other major drawbacks. First of all server is already quite often having hard time lag-wise, and adding numerous places filed with NPCs would contribute to this lag significantly. The other thing, is that it might need enormous coding work to implement this system with moving NPCs and everything you mentioned.

You can improve your aim (especially one taps) in any other fps game, and use perp shooting range for practicing full auto.
I genuienly believe that this would break a lot of the immersion, essentially just causing half the server to be at the "deathmatch place".

Alternatively, I have another option. Introducing laser tag into PERP and a building that goes alongside it. It would allow you to practice your aim, whilst keeping some of the immersion that the server provides. Would be something else to do other than just raid, mug and be a cop.

This would take up a lot of space on the map that would be much more suited for other things.

It would also take a lot of effort to develop.
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