Phone Suggestions?

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Hi guys,

So, i need a new phone.
I really wanted to buy the OnePlus X, but i'm really tired of waiting for it to be back in stock.
It has been out of stock for a really long time now...

So i took a look at the Huawei P9 Lite, it's around the same price of the OPX and looks really nice.
Does anyone of you guys have this phone? I want to know if its worth it and if its like really good.

Also if someone knows another good phone around that price, please post him :)
I would like a phone not above 300-350 dollars.
I have a OnePlus 3 (I'm replying on it now) and honesty it's a great all around phone has 1080p HD screen, fingerprint scanner and an actually decent camera. All for only £305.
I see what you mean about the Oneplus X , how its always out of stock, but it looks like a good phone. Just been looking at the specs and it seems like a really good phone. It has definitely changed my mind about my next phone.
I would've recommended the iPhone 7 (iphones are very simple and do what you want them to do, most of the time.) but, apple chose to be retarded and remove the only way for people to listen to music with their headphones without a shitty adapter, THE FUCKING HEADPHONE JACK, and note 7 is a bomb right now so I guess you could go with Galaxy S7
I ended up buying the Huawei P9 Lite.
I now have the phone for about a week and i really recommend this phone.
  • Very fast (Octacore processor)
  • Battery lasts a long time
  • Nice shape, layout
  • Fingerprint scanner works good
  • 3GB RAM which means you can easily run multiple apps at one time.
  • Good camera quality
  • Much more..
For a price like this phone all of this is really good.
I don't really have any negative points, i really like it and don't have any difficulties with it.