Server Suggestion Player Owned Drug economy

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Description of the idea:
Currently the drug prices are fixed, This is easy for everyone as you consistently make money but it would be nice to turn it into more of a dynamic thing.

Why should this be added? (pros):
The idea is basic economics, If everyone sells weed the price goes down, If everyone sells coke the price goes down. This way you can’t just do one drug all the time and this stimulates making different kind of drugs as the prices for the other drugs may be higher.

This is likely to fix the high drugs pay-outs that are currently on the server and together with the Legal pay increased this might balance it out.


  • Planning your drugs
  • Step to player owned economy


  • Can't think of any

*Other additions:

Sounds like a nice idea but you have players with hundreds of thousands of stacks of drugs in their storage. This would just end up harming new players and smaller orgs then actually hurt the big players. They'd crash the market within seconds and new players are not selling for enough to make it worthwhile anymore
Sounds like a nice idea but you have players with hundreds of thousands of stacks of drugs in their storage. This would just end up harming new players and smaller orgs then actually hurt the big players. They'd crash the market within seconds and new players are not selling for enough to make it worthwhile anymore
That is a good point, Maybe more types of drugs would have to be added to actually make this work
That is a good point, Maybe more types of drugs would have to be added to actually make this work
It could work, but I just see it being abused, pretty sure at one point Jamie had so much coke in his storage he couldn't log in without crashing and Fredy had to reset it
I think this is already planned for future updates. But anyway it is a good idea and I don't see how it would harm new players specifically. They can plan what they are growing as well and also now drugs like shrooms won't be useless as their price can go up if no one is selling them.
hmmm i see a way this could be abused majorly
ok a org lets say 10 people
go to drug dealer start camping it making sure no one can sell drugs but they sell there drugs they do this to keep the price mega inflated
the org gets rich and everyone else is fucked
this could be argued as ''rp'' but this will make selling drugs unless you are in a org impossible
and the org's make millions if not a billion if the drug price fluctuation has no cap
hmmm i see a way this could be abused majorly
ok a org lets say 10 people
go to drug dealer start camping it making sure no one can sell drugs but they sell there drugs they do this to keep the price mega inflated
the org gets rich and everyone else is fucked
this could be argued as ''rp'' but this will make selling drugs unless you are in a org impossible
and the org's make millions if not a billion if the drug price fluctuation has no cap
Price change doesn't have to depend on time
hmmm i see a way this could be abused majorly
ok a org lets say 10 people
go to drug dealer start camping it making sure no one can sell drugs but they sell there drugs they do this to keep the price mega inflated
the org gets rich and everyone else is fucked
this could be argued as ''rp'' but this will make selling drugs unless you are in a org impossible
and the org's make millions if not a billion if the drug price fluctuation has no cap

High risk = High reward, at the moment the reward people are getting from drugs doesn't reflect high risk.
hmmm i see a way this could be abused majorly
ok a org lets say 10 people
go to drug dealer start camping it making sure no one can sell drugs but they sell there drugs they do this to keep the price mega inflated
the org gets rich and everyone else is fucked
this could be argued as ''rp'' but this will make selling drugs unless you are in a org impossible
and the org's make millions if not a billion if the drug price fluctuation has no cap
People stopping other drug dealers from making money off of drugs in an attempt to corner the market and ensure 0 competition = Abuse? Isn't that like, the whole point of being a drug dealer?

The idea of making drugs cheaper depending on demand is an idea I can get behind as it would bring back aggression in the PERP Drugs trade.
People stopping other drug dealers from making money off of drugs in an attempt to corner the market and ensure 0 competition = Abuse? Isn't that like, the whole point of being a drug dealer?

The idea of making drugs cheaper depending on demand is an idea I can get behind as it would bring back aggression in the PERP Drugs trade.

The yield of drugs needs to be decreased, or the price. The price of metal should also go back to its original price and the punishment for drug offences should be higher to make it much riskier.
High risk = High reward, at the moment the reward people are getting from drugs doesn't reflect high risk.
all this does is this
org's= low risk high reward
solo players= high risk low reward
all this will do is make org's op
all this does is this
org's= low risk high reward
solo players= high risk low reward
all this will do is make org's op
Of course, otherwise, there is no point in an org?

If I could make the same amount of money as an organization, solo, with the same level of risk then wouldn't everyone?
Of course, otherwise, there is no point in an org?

If I could make the same amount of money as an organization, solo, with the same level of risk then wouldn't everyone?
Dom, org's aren't there to make anything else unplayable. If there isn't balance its not fun.
Of course, otherwise, there is no point in an org?

If I could make the same amount of money as an organization, solo, with the same level of risk then wouldn't everyone?
yeah but this change would make it just fucking super op for a org to cuck the drug market
all this does is this
org's= low risk high reward
solo players= high risk low reward
all this will do is make org's op

This is why mafias and organized crime groups exist, 1 person can't orchestrate a whole drug operation and be expected to make and do everything. There's barely any activity on forums regarding organizations anymore and this sort of update would make it so organization pages are used more and people have someone to join. Furthermore, we'll finally be back at that point where there's a clear distinction of 'Power' when it comes to criminals because it isn't fucking realistic to have a druggie ass city with everyone driving supercars and no one being scared of each other. The orgs stay OP because most orgs take 1-2 people to break that whole organisation, people follow and some stay and thats where it will be down to other players to make their own organisations to battle the 'OP' orgs, its been done many times before.

yeah but this change would make it just fucking super op for a org to cuck the drug market

This is literally how it is IRL, its already super OP because everyone is on the same level as each other, its literally a battle for who has less of a life and who spends their lives more growing virtual drugs.
i agree if there is no balance it makes being in a org fun and not being in one a nightmare
Forcing one playstyle is bad but that's not the only issue, being overpowered is only fun at the beginning. Not really fun to earn a shitton of money with no risk. I'm not suggesting that this post will bring us to that situation I'm just saying there is no point in making one thing overpowered to nerf everything else.