PLPD at it's finest

Another one of @Chris magnificent ideas?
Why did you drive into their convoy that has really triggered me. Blue light aware is failing me.
That was the most cringest things ever. I was on the phone to my friend @2SPO0KY4U who was driving my lambo that u saw in the vid and I was in creases as he described to me what aprantly was a professional convoy. It went from PD>Subs>Bazzar and then back to the PD and they all went back to normal patrols.
*Sees massive convoy containing the whole police force*

*proceeds to illegally u-turn so he can crash into them all*

Classic PH.
Here we can see another roleplay event/action get fucked buy some idiot goof that has to look funny infront of his friends. Which doesn't really surprise me.

I can nearly guarentee you they were metagaming like shit because the complete sound had to be cut out for *reason*
I love people like that just ruining it. I feel true feeling of "serious" roleplay... 10/10 would ban driver again. ^-^