Professional Stripper
Main idea: Add weekly or monthly pay check of IC money to PLPD Administrative roles that don't occur on the server. ( such as but not limited to: IT, Academy,Internal Affairs Investigators, People Services and command teams ect )
Description: Add a way for PLPD employees who spend a lot of time and effort doing other duties off the server to receive a cash reward, in-character of course, for the work they do.
- Greater Motovation for PLPD employees.
- More applicants for roles
- Hopefully a better output from people in these roles.
- Can be seen as a hygiene factor. Meaning employees were demotivated because it was not happening.
-Less resignations due to there being more of a reason to do the work.
- Can be hard to implement
-People who are not in these roles and are not being paid could be dimotivated.
This is an idea in the backlog we've had for ages. Plpd employees that take administrative duties such as internal affairs, police academy and command teams would receive a weekly paycheck that can be claimed in game for all of their work. Hopefully soon we can design some reasonable concept for it.
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