Pls give me a Last chance Collier

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @Collier
How long were you banned for: 1 month
Your Steam Name: Zeus
Your In-game Name: Jerold Williams
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:106547501
Why were you banned: Attempted to run over 4 people for no reason.
Why should this appeal be considered:

Hello Collier,
So I was banned, because I made a big mistake today.
It started with that I ran over 4 guys with no reason
I know that, that is not allowed and I regret what I done.
We talked on Teamspeak too and you said that I came of lightly,
in addition I think that I deserve the ban, but I can promise you,
that I won´t do something like that ever again.
I feel really bad and I do like your server alot and I actually
don´t want to wait 1 month, even I well-deserved your judgement.
I listened to my older cousin, but I do know that that is not an
excuse for what I have done, it was still my decision to ran them over.
All I can say is, that you do not have to worry about me ever again,
because I regret my decisions and I do actually feel a bit silly for what
I have done.

Yours faitfully

Jerold Williams
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