Suggestion Title: Premium Coins Using and dropping GUI Color
Suggestion Description: When using a prem coin and when dropping a prem coin the GUI Confirming the drop or redeeming is identical except for a few text, this is a problem because when you drop a lot of coins for sale for example you might redeem it without knowing by accident because the Both GUI look the same so to avoid this problem I suggest just changing the color of the confirmation GUI to red when dropping a coin or to green when redeeming the coin or anything similar.
Why should this be added?:
- Avoid accidental Redeeming while dropping the coin
- avoid loosing a coin + the server doesn’t do refunds on coins
- QoL
What negatives could this have?:
- maybe some limitations so we need to be creative about the implementation
What problem would this suggestion solve?: Avoid accidentally redeeming a coin when trying to sell it.