Prop Pushing

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Manchester, England
Your Steam/In-game Name: Adikid*TRADING*/Adrish Malik

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Stomper/Jose-Garcia Arturo-Gonzalez

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:96447027

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Basically, he was prop pushing in subs park and made someone fly away. By doing so he broke 3.11 - Leverage Pushing.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: Starts at 2mins through the vid, so you can skip to 2:00 if you want.
How else are you suppose to push a swing, but anyway I do apologise for my actions if I ruined anyones rp. Didnt really mean for anyone to go flying I just wanted to see how the swings would work.

It was an accident and the only person who was bothered was an angry little kid, Everyone else who was there was fine with it and had a laugh.
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The only person who really got launched away was me. I did not feel bothered or anything, as I am sure he didn't really meant to make me fly. As he said, he never saw that swing really, and he didn't mean to prop push anybody. Seriously, why make an AR on @Stomper, ever since he got back, he brought a lot of roleplay into the server again and hes not a little kid running around crying about everything and shit.
I will be -Supporting this AR, as no-one felt bothered within the situation except you. As he said, he did not meant to launch me and he was apologizing.
All I see here is you just making a pointless AR (probably for IC saltiness / beef with Stomper). You're just making yourself look like a bit of an idiot. If I were you I would reccomend closing this and just letting it be as it really didn't affect you at all. The person who it effected admits that he couldn't care less.
I don't care what others say here, this is a clear infringement of 3.11. Beef? Sure it may be some :beef: involved here maybe even salt but who cares when it comes down to an AR, @Stomper has broken the rules and many seem to look past it and go right onto the "fact" it was just banter. But when he witnesses the first person gets launched I would think it's time to stop before someone gets injured.

I've come across situations with Stomper on other occasions, but that's another story for another AR which won't appear due to Gmod updates.
And when actively suggesting to kill themselves "go for it" you may as well be breaking 4.1 for (attempted) murder.

This is just my opinion, if you would like to be triggered by it "go for it".
Because @Stomper is an Elite Member doesn't make everything he says is true. To my knowledge he has never mugged/raided me. And he says he was trying to push the swing, it's still leverage pushing and why the fuck are cops pushing swings in the first place?
No reason for you guys to push swings around, seems a bit unprofessional to me.

1. I'm sorry I posted your application for the front a 'dislike'. Nor am I salty or have beef with Stomper who I hardly know.
2. It doesn't seem like a pointless AR if he is actually breaking rules?
3. Me making an AR doesn't make me look like an idiot, you going against me where he is clearly breaking rules makes you look like an idiot.
4. If he couldn't care less, let him get the punishment. I didn't post this AR for stupid responses like this.

1. You seem to be friends with Stomper by disagreeing with my post where he is breaking rules?
2. Just because you aren't bothered by it, doesn't mean others aren't.
3. Where you said "he brought a lot of roleplay into the server", I don't think prop pushing adds any rp.

1. "How else are you suppose to push a swing", seeing that you are a Elite Member I guess you know how PERP works, so wouldn't it seem idiotic that after 2 years of Paralake City, you want to see how the swings work now?
2. "who was bothered was an angry little kid", Here I'm guessing you are talking to me, as I am the one that is bothered. So, because you broke the rules and I was bothered to make an AR, shows me as angry? Ok.

One more message to everyone that is disagreeing with this AR. Did he not break the rules? Or do you just not want him to be punished?
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