Server Suggestion Pub Worker

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Suggestion Title: Pub Worker
Suggestion Description: NPCS sit down on the tables of empty chairs.

The worker’s job is to use the raw fish that Poissons supplies to cook a meal.

Different customers will request different fish, some may request different beverages.

Producing a drink requires you to grab a bottle/carton from a fridge or shelf. If producing beer, you would grab an empty bottle then click e at a station to fill it up.

When cooking the fish, cooking is as normal. Plates are lined against the counter and the worker will see on the plate what needs to be put on.

Once the plate is assembled as per the order, the worker delivers it and gets paid.

Workers can toggle the storefront sign to stay “closed,” or “open,” so they’re not getting NPC customers if they don’t want to.

Additionally, the worker can serve real players who make orders and still get paid of course. Real players can also sell fish to the pub directly and make a bit more than poissons to incentivize risky fishing at docks and bring more people to the pub for roleplay

Why should this be added?:
- providing everyone with Better food
- making passive rp even at dead hours
- adding lore to perp by using the fish at poissons to pub to make the economy feel more player ran
- social game that invites people to what would otherwise stay a dead part of the map.

What negatives could this have?:
- picking up drill needs to be more discreet instead of just barging in and out.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Making pub more lively
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Oh boy, can't wait to hop on my PC after 7 hours of school just to play as a NPC
Oh boy, can't wait to hop on my PC after 7 hours of school just to play as a NPC
Talk about missing the point, when people can:

1)couriers can visit
2) projex can visit
3) bazaar people can visit
4) Morons can visit
5) They can stay, hang out
6) buy Cooked fish (superior food to any other)
7) fish at docks or sell their fish for higher than Poissons.
8) bank robbers can “use the bathroom real quick,” when picking up drill.
9) drug deals gone wrong at docks or mugging attract police may cause them to hang out at pub too instead of mall cop bazaar only.
Talk about missing the point, when people can:

1)couriers can visit
2) projex can visit
3) bazaar people can visit
4) Morons can visit
5) They can stay, hang out
6) buy Cooked fish (superior food to any other)
7) fish at docks or sell their fish for higher than Poissons.
8) bank robbers can “use the bathroom real quick,” when picking up drill.
9) drug deals gone wrong at docks or mugging attract police may cause them to hang out at pub too instead of mall cop bazaar only.
and how does this change the game in any way
these are all just 1 second interactions that add no real substance to the game
This suggestion is another try or an add on to hopefully make the map space more used up instead of single purpose like how pub is just for drill right now. @Goonsberg asking for a fruity and for my other one tried this before


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