Suggestion Title: Question & Suggestions to Devs (XQuality, Ayjay, Leilos)
Suggestion Description: Questions + Suggestions
Q no 0) Ive noticed the V5 map has large unused/empty areas. Why is this?
Are you trying to save resources for max compatibility/fps?
Suggestion: Fill them with trees or small buildings or simply let players use them.

Q no 1) Ive seen you guys did a gj on making a static prop skybox matching the exact vectors of the 1:1 map.
Why not do the same with the terrain brushes? Ive noticed you made a big river with a lake and distant mountains that end abruptly.
Suggestion: Why not make a huge terrain landscape filling the entire skybox space? This would make the map seem much bigger as players would look at distant detailed mountains/creeks/forests from the main map.
As seen in the following pic, Ive added the HL2 prop: models/props_skybox/coast01.mdl as a reference (A big mountain landscape static prop for 3D skyboxes)

Q no 2) Why the big terrain wall at Suburbs? As I mentioned, Ive noticed the river static prop, lake, etc... But then, I looked at suburbs area and theres a (unrealistic and rushed) big wall of terrain whilst on the other edge, theres a fence restricting player movement but a big field on the other side for them to view from a distance.
Again, why the big wall? This makes the map feel much smaller and "closed"
Suggestion: Remove the wall and allow a 3D skybox field/mountain range/3D static prop suburbs area buildings to be seen.

Q no 3) I see the 3D models of the skybox city buildings are simple boxes with simple building texture patterns. Even some HL2 assets were used here. (Why are there Soviet era buildings in an "American" city like Paralake?)
Suggestion: I think you can work more on those 3D models, keeping them low poly in order to give the map a realistic and bigger appearance.
See CSGO's de_vertigo skybox:

Q no 4) Why does the forest road lack a road/dirt track texture? Drivers can not see the road, especially at night.
(The tree textures are pretty much the same color as the ground textures)
Suggestion: As displacement textures are simply crappy to draw, I suggest using a static prop model without collision for players to see the road both in 1:1 map and skybox.

Q no 5) What's up with the leeches/ichthyosaur? Haha
Suggestion: Add a trigger hurt with drown damage instead.

Q no 6) Why does the elevator in the city hall not cause crush damage when blocked by players?
It is possible to block it and even be trapped inside when the doors close.

Q no 7) Why not add clip brushes on the displacement cornfield road and other edgy roads? This would prevent cars from getting stuck.

It would be simply fixed by doing this:

Good job on the map by the way, it was fun exploring it.
Suggestion Description: Questions + Suggestions
Q no 0) Ive noticed the V5 map has large unused/empty areas. Why is this?
Are you trying to save resources for max compatibility/fps?
Suggestion: Fill them with trees or small buildings or simply let players use them.

Q no 1) Ive seen you guys did a gj on making a static prop skybox matching the exact vectors of the 1:1 map.
Why not do the same with the terrain brushes? Ive noticed you made a big river with a lake and distant mountains that end abruptly.
Suggestion: Why not make a huge terrain landscape filling the entire skybox space? This would make the map seem much bigger as players would look at distant detailed mountains/creeks/forests from the main map.
As seen in the following pic, Ive added the HL2 prop: models/props_skybox/coast01.mdl as a reference (A big mountain landscape static prop for 3D skyboxes)

Q no 2) Why the big terrain wall at Suburbs? As I mentioned, Ive noticed the river static prop, lake, etc... But then, I looked at suburbs area and theres a (unrealistic and rushed) big wall of terrain whilst on the other edge, theres a fence restricting player movement but a big field on the other side for them to view from a distance.
Again, why the big wall? This makes the map feel much smaller and "closed"
Suggestion: Remove the wall and allow a 3D skybox field/mountain range/3D static prop suburbs area buildings to be seen.

Q no 3) I see the 3D models of the skybox city buildings are simple boxes with simple building texture patterns. Even some HL2 assets were used here. (Why are there Soviet era buildings in an "American" city like Paralake?)
Suggestion: I think you can work more on those 3D models, keeping them low poly in order to give the map a realistic and bigger appearance.
See CSGO's de_vertigo skybox:

Q no 4) Why does the forest road lack a road/dirt track texture? Drivers can not see the road, especially at night.
(The tree textures are pretty much the same color as the ground textures)
Suggestion: As displacement textures are simply crappy to draw, I suggest using a static prop model without collision for players to see the road both in 1:1 map and skybox.

Q no 5) What's up with the leeches/ichthyosaur? Haha
Suggestion: Add a trigger hurt with drown damage instead.

Q no 6) Why does the elevator in the city hall not cause crush damage when blocked by players?
It is possible to block it and even be trapped inside when the doors close.

Q no 7) Why not add clip brushes on the displacement cornfield road and other edgy roads? This would prevent cars from getting stuck.

It would be simply fixed by doing this:

Good job on the map by the way, it was fun exploring it.
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