Rainbow Six Siege

Reaction score
Hello! I am looking for people to play R6S with, I am a low rank (Silver 1) and my level is 27, I barely got the rank because I suck too much so I don't want to play with pros but I am looking for newbies like me so we can level up together and maybe then play ranked together too :P

If you want to play with me, type your UPLAY name bellow and I'l add you :)
If your on console let me know on PC I have had some issues with my game working so I am unavalible there but if I do figuere it out I would be happy to play. Last I checked I was somewhere in gold on PC and I am Gold 3 on PS4.
I play Rainbow Six Siege with a few of me mates. We work pretty well some days and pretty bad other days. My current rank is Silver I and im 1-2 game/s away from getting Gold IV. If you wish to have a game sometime you can but I recommend you connect to our ts. Start a PM with me and I will send you the info. My Uplay name is TGP_CodezBlack