Refund Request (HjalteSej)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: HjalteSej
Your Roleplay Name: Tyroen Black
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:499980582

Reason for Request: I lost my chest full of drugs because of a server bug.

Requested Items: 100 coca leaves and 200 coca seeds

Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member
Staff Member: @TinySlayer

after looking at your logs, please can you confirm by recording a video of taking your chests out and showing me what you have inside of your current chests (all of them and or if you have any at all)

I can see in logs, after deducting everything and so on, you should be refunded:

228 coca plant seeds
43 coca leaves

please correct me if I am wrong, however I have seen what you have taken out, put back in, and I can also see this was slightly before the server lag happened, so when you had left and lost the storage, this is what should be inside.
Here is the video of me showing what's inside my crate:

228 coca plant seeds and 43 coca leaves sounds about right.

228 coca plant seeds
48 coca leaves
1 chest

make a f6 in-game once an administrator+ is in-game to receive your refund
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