Refund Request (Mohamed jalalibil)

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Reaction score
Biettifeld North Rhine-Westphalia
Your Steam Name: Mohamed jalalibil
Your Roleplay Name: Mohammed jalalibil
Your SteamID: Their SteamID is STEAM_0:1:791941820

Reason for Request: i lost both weapons because i had to defend myself from a man prop pushing and destroying carrs

Requested Items: mp5a4 and hk45ct all kitted out no supressors on any and both had red dots

Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member
Staff Member: @Ellie is the one who banned the man i dont know because pd took my weapons because i defended my property from a rulebreaker becasue pd struggled to
I don't remember this situation or authorized this refund.
You need to be more specific, where did these situations take place? Where did you drop the HK MP5A4 if you remember as well as the HK45CT. You should try to provide evidence as Ellie clearly doesn't remember
[INVOLVED] he was prop pushing he got banned but mjs car got tiered a cop confiscated his guns he made a ia make a help desk to ia and ask for a RR for ur guns, however money for your car being tiered should be dealt with here.
[INVOLVED] he was prop pushing he got banned but mjs car got tiered a cop confiscated his guns he made a ia make a help desk to ia and ask for a RR for ur guns, however money for your car being tiered should be dealt with here.

that does not help me at all
what will help is this all happened at regals car park gun was confiscated so he needs to make an ia helpdesk but his car was tiered at regals car park due to a rule break

That's not how IA works. The complaint was also not sustained, so the MP5 will not be refunded. He can be refunded his HK45CT though.

1x HK45CT
1x HK45CT Magazine
1x Pistol Sight

Contact an administrator+ in-game to receive your refund.
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