Your Steam Name: Pen Piza
Your Roleplay Name: Pen Liza
Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:208937479
Reason for Request: Me and my organization have lost weapons due to a rulebreaker, which got punished for 3.5.
From my investigation, we have lost:
AK 47 Full kit X2 / 1 Belonging to me, other to my org member Liam O'Shea
Scar-L Full Kit x1 / Belonging to Leroy Cartier
SG550 Full Kit x1 / Belonging to Henry Quinn
All weapons had comp - red dot.
2 batches of coke which we would've got if the rulebreaker didnt call the police (which is confirmed at this point, police only responded because of the rulebreaker breaking NLR and reporting)
Thank you for reviewing, this report has been handled by @Collier indirectly, original owner of report is @Super_
Requested Items: AK 47 Full kit X2 / 1 Belonging to me, other to my org member Liam O'Shea
Scar-L Full Kit x1 / Belonging to Leroy Cartier
SG550 Full Kit x1 / Belonging to Henry Quinn
2 Batches of coke / Belonging to the base defender also the base defender broke 3.8 and stored his weapon, which was AK-101 (Defender name is Garry Wilson, @Collier handled the report himself and got the guy banned for 1 week)
Evidence Type: Action Request
Evidence Link:
Your Roleplay Name: Pen Liza
Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:208937479
Reason for Request: Me and my organization have lost weapons due to a rulebreaker, which got punished for 3.5.
From my investigation, we have lost:
AK 47 Full kit X2 / 1 Belonging to me, other to my org member Liam O'Shea
Scar-L Full Kit x1 / Belonging to Leroy Cartier
SG550 Full Kit x1 / Belonging to Henry Quinn
All weapons had comp - red dot.
2 batches of coke which we would've got if the rulebreaker didnt call the police (which is confirmed at this point, police only responded because of the rulebreaker breaking NLR and reporting)
Thank you for reviewing, this report has been handled by @Collier indirectly, original owner of report is @Super_
Requested Items: AK 47 Full kit X2 / 1 Belonging to me, other to my org member Liam O'Shea
Scar-L Full Kit x1 / Belonging to Leroy Cartier
SG550 Full Kit x1 / Belonging to Henry Quinn
2 Batches of coke / Belonging to the base defender also the base defender broke 3.8 and stored his weapon, which was AK-101 (Defender name is Garry Wilson, @Collier handled the report himself and got the guy banned for 1 week)
Evidence Type: Action Request
Evidence Link: