Refund Request (Pufferfish)

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Reaction score

Your Steam Name: Pufferfish
Your Roleplay Name: Steven pablo
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:576024407

Reason for Request: I lost my weapon and my vehicle was tiered due to a driver on the wrong side of the road. after he than grabbed my gun when i was dead and proceeded to disconnect shortly after so the gun could not be returned

Requested Items: 1 x mini-uzi, 1 x filled mini-uzi magazine, 1 x reflex sight. Repair on my Dodge viper GTS

Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member
Staff Member: @captain

It was determined that you lost your items due to a rule break. Your refund request has been accepted as a result.

Whenever there is an Administrator+ online in the server, you may create an F6 to receive the following:
- IMI Mini-UZI (184907320)
- Full Vehicle Repair for Dodge Viper GTS

If you have any further questions, you may always direct them to my forum private messages.
Please click this message to see the relevant warning issued to the offender for this situation.

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