Refund Request (rdc)


Reaction score
Your Steam Name: rdc
Your Roleplay Name: Muhammad Williamson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:150536963

Reason for Request: so i was at a shop (Josh's Overpriced Shop) across the street of bizaar and some new players took my 25k bet and then killed me causing me to lose my gun i just purchased aswell for like 20k, his name was Liam Khong his friend ran over a police officer while we had him in cuffs trying to get him to drop the 25k then his friends shot me and Jose Thorney. im sure i can also get josh the shop owner to vouch for this

Requested Items: 25k and an smg with a suppressor and sight

Evidence Type: Action Request
Evidence Link: i only have a screenshot of him and me dead two minutes later

As far as I can see you haven't made an AR yet, that has been accepted. So first you'll have to create an AR here: .

If that gets accepted they'll allow you to make a refund request here and then you can indeed choose evidence type: 'Action Request' and you can link your AR as 'evidence link'.

If i'm wrong please link the accepter Action Request, so staff can deal with this easily.

As mentioned by curak an action request must be created and concluded before you can make a refund request, as no more detail have been added for a few days I will close this for now.