Refund Request (Sako with comp red dot stock and the mag)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: D00m
Your Roleplay Name: Dom Kushenberg
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:581055058

What do you need refunded?: Sako with comp red dot stock and the mag
Why should this request be considered?: A player returned back too a raid that he had died in and my ally shot at him as he was getting guns, the ally hadnt died yet, so because he got shot at his org came back too kill the player and as me and my mates was going back too the base because the raid looked over they shot at us upon arrival as they thought we was flanking. The player that got back involved got warned- 5.3 - user returned to the area where he had raided and proceeded to pickup a gun from that raid.
Will have too try find the demo too upload, not sure what demo it is so could take a while.
Tagged pug while i try find the evidance and as he was the staff member that warned him.

Evidence Type: Staff Member
Name of Staff Member: Pug

when was this?
I am assuming this was the raid on projex where I set fire to the whole of Ben Nikos base. The reason @walnash was warned was nothing to do with the assisting the raid, but was due to the fact he picked up a gun after his nlr was over. I believe I was the one who shot you. If you want to complain about walnash going back, You came back with a gun to the same situation. Meaning you also broke the rule?

due to the situation and what rulebreaks occurred it was only @Palodhi who got his stuff refunded. No one else from the situation will receive a refund, especially when you attempted to flank
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