Refund Request (Tazzx)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Tazzx
Your Roleplay Name: Prob bobbison
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:586529834

Reason for Request: i lost a rifle do to 3.4 in hick town 2

Requested Items: g36 g36 mag rifle comp red dot

Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member
Staff Member: dont remember
Instead of bumping this thread it would be useful for you to recall which staff member authorized it.

If no staff member remembers this situation and you dont remember who told you to make a RR this will be denied
I stedet for at bumpe denne tråd ville det være nyttigt for dig at huske, hvilken medarbejder der godkendte den.

Hvis ingen medarbejder husker denne situation, og du ikke husker, hvem der fortalte dig at lave en RR, vil dette blive afvist
yea well i tried to make a f6 to ask a staff if he coude se in logs who the staff that to my f6 an told me make rr was but he did not give it to me

Clearly the staff member who dealt with your report does not remember otherwise they would have accepted this. It's your job to remember which staff member authorised your refund so they can proceed with it, but since you can't, this refund is denied.
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