Refund Request (Voyd)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Voyd
Your Roleplay Name: Frank Doom
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:542591089

Reason for Request: Our org were raiding slums and we had a few flankers at roadcrew station, after we had cleared all of the cops we decided to go to rc to collect our flanker guns, John was the first one at Roadcrew station and he had come across some ming grabbers who were grabbing our guns, then they started ramming John with their car and trying to kill him. Keep in mind they aren't involved in the raid, we had to kill them which resulted in more cops coming and then it resulted into our deaths. This wouldnt have happened as we were about to leave the scene. ( Johns ar got accepted. )

Requested Items: 1x Scar h, Rifle compensator, red dot.

Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member
Staff Member: Ophelia

Send me evidence of you dying with said weapon. I'll give you 48hours, otherwise I'll be forced to deny this Refund Request.
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I dont have proof, although the AR should be enough proof ngl
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