Refund Request (VREDFEDE)

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Your Steam Name: VREDFEDE
Your Roleplay Name: andrew bandi
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:520773768

Reason for Request: Hello i would like to request a refund, 2 weeks ago or something there was a shoot out at baazar and even tho i did not do anything a cop cuffed me and made me drop my gun. After that the cop died and a new player came and stole my gun imidalty discoenctig after, The situation was not rp and i would not had lost my gun if the guy came and took it,

Another redunf request this with SAMSN I lost an glock 17 with a red dot fully louded after I got into a shootout with an unarmed person but right after killing them a guy that did not have anything to do ran me over and killed me his excuse being that I threatened him even tho I did not, AFTER talking with @SamSN and showing him the demos he told me he will give the gun to me but then he stoped beigna active so I am waiting for like a month

Requested Items: hk 45 fully louded with a red dot and a surpresor @A1L a glock 17 fully louded with red dot @SamSN

Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member
Staff Member: @A1L @SamSN

I know nothing about your Glock 17, so only the HK will be refunded.

1x HK HK45 CT
1x HK HK45CT Magazine (Full)
1x HK HK45CT Suppressor
1x Pistol Reflex Sight
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