Refund Request

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Vantaa, Southern Finland, Finland
Your in-game name: Aaron Martin, Eddie Stallone

Steam ID: Panda: STEAM_0:0:43561833, Eddie: STEAM_0:1:52418897

What do you need refunded: Fully Loaded AK-47 For Aaron Martin, 4 cocaine and 4 weed for Eddie Stallone as a sweatervest was growing for him.

Why do you want your item(s) refunded:

4.14. My AK-47 was immideatly confiscated as it was taken from me but there were still gunshots being fired. I was not arrested as @Robin Ljungberg and his organisation rescued me. Officers confiscated the drugs while a gunfight was at Glassco.

Evidence: I don't need evidence as @MrLewis and @LordTyla know about this. But Lewis said that the backup came too late? I dont understand as I clearly heard gunshots.


4.14 Evidence Seizure
- If illegal items are found during a search on a property LEOs may not destroy any of the illegal items until they have confirmed that the scene has been secured and had consent to do so by a sergeant/lieutenant.

This also applies for illegal items found in other circumstances, the situation should be investigated before destroying any evidence. For example, during a bank robbery, you should not destroy any evidence until the robbery is over and the area has been secured.
The overall result of the admin situation was that the org backup came too late to the situation, leading the officers to believe that the scene was clear. What I said was that the org backup should of got to the scene faster, allowing them time to secure there items.
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