Reminding government employees to read the law when starting the job

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Reminding government employees to read the law when starting the job

Short explanation (in notes):

- a lot of police officers and government employees forget or don't know the law well enough. Many probably just glance at them and close them.
- a good way to remind people to read the rules properly would be to have a message display on their screen when joining a government job. If not, just the police force.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

In multiple cases I have been robbed and taken hostage. Whenever the police showed up they just walked away again because "calls of gun shots weren't enough for searching the apartment or getting a warrant." But it is, see 11.2. In one of these cases Rutger was watching and agreed that the officers had enough reason to search the apartment, but they didn't for some reason.

I think its good to remind users, because it seems to happen frequently, at least for me. I only have 1 day time played, but the case above or something similar has happened way too many times.
Still +Support. Might be removed by people who wont bother to read, but then they can't complain they weren't reminded. This I've seen on other servers and it have worked, ofcorse some people wont bother looking at it, sadly.
ehm i tought they added that if you want to enter an goverment job you wil have to answer some questions (someone told me today)
Loving the new questions you're asked before becoming a cop. The answers feel a bit too obvious, but its alright. Maybe add a couple more questions?

Anyways, thanks. Its a great improvement in the same direction, as the suggestion of this topic.
Sweet, looking forward to it. I imagine the current one is already weeding out the worst, and hopefully making them read the rules to understand a bit better :)

EDIT: I meant to reply to your comment, Swiper the Fox. I failed.
Accepted - We made the job exam after looking at this suggestion.
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