Resignation / Goodbyes

Reaction score
Berlin, Germany
Hello PERP!

I have decided that it's time for me to finally resign from Senior Helper position.
Why? Because of number of reasons. I simply got bored playing on PERP, I didn't find any fun recently and just don't play it anymore (I have found other games and bike riding more interesting). I have been very inactive lately, this is due to my preparations for my 18th Birthday and other stuff. I'm hoping to start a Truck driving job here in Germany and try to work a bit on something I'm so passionate about.
I hope you all can understand this message, I thank you all for the great times and happiness you gave me during this time.
I want to thank the entire Staff Team for letting me help their Community!
I will still try to chat around a bit and respond to whatever you guys do.
If I ever get the time or pick up interest, I might return fully and try to do even more to the Community!
I Wish you all good luck and please...

Be Good People!
Hello PERP!

I have decided that it's time for me to finally resign from Senior Helper position.
Why? Because of number of reasons. I simply got bored playing on PERP, I didn't find any fun recently and just don't play it anymore (I have found other games and bike riding more interesting). I have been very inactive lately, this is due to my preparations for my 18th Birthday and other stuff. I'm hoping to start a Truck driving job here in Germany and try to work a bit on something I'm so passionate about.
I hope you all can understand this message, I thank you all for the great times and happiness you gave me during this time.
I want to thank the entire Staff Team for letting me help their Community!
I will still try to chat around a bit and respond to whatever you guys do.
If I ever get the time or pick up interest, I might return fully and try to do even more to the Community!
I Wish you all good luck and please...

Be Good People!
good luck in trucking
Best of luck Chris.
Honestly will miss ya mate, miss the Christopher Ty- I mean Flynn when I hop on PD.
Remember that the community will always welcome you back in open arms and my DM's are always open if needed.
Hello PERP!

I have decided that it's time for me to finally resign from Senior Helper position.
Why? Because of number of reasons. I simply got bored playing on PERP, I didn't find any fun recently and just don't play it anymore (I have found other games and bike riding more interesting). I have been very inactive lately, this is due to my preparations for my 18th Birthday and other stuff. I'm hoping to start a Truck driving job here in Germany and try to work a bit on something I'm so passionate about.
I hope you all can understand this message, I thank you all for the great times and happiness you gave me during this time.
I want to thank the entire Staff Team for letting me help their Community!
I will still try to chat around a bit and respond to whatever you guys do.
If I ever get the time or pick up interest, I might return fully and try to do even more to the Community!
I Wish you all good luck and please...

Be Good People!
I’ll miss you my friend, have a good one and make sure to keep in contact every once in a while!
Thank you for your service to the community. You were a very trustworthy fellow, someone you can trust to drive a truck and not mess around like he's playing ETS 2.
Hello PERP!

I have decided that it's time for me to finally resign from Senior Helper position.
Why? Because of number of reasons. I simply got bored playing on PERP, I didn't find any fun recently and just don't play it anymore (I have found other games and bike riding more interesting). I have been very inactive lately, this is due to my preparations for my 18th Birthday and other stuff. I'm hoping to start a Truck driving job here in Germany and try to work a bit on something I'm so passionate about.
I hope you all can understand this message, I thank you all for the great times and happiness you gave me during this time.
I want to thank the entire Staff Team for letting me help their Community!
I will still try to chat around a bit and respond to whatever you guys do.
If I ever get the time or pick up interest, I might return fully and try to do even more to the Community!
I Wish you all good luck and please...

Be Good People!
Chill guy tbh, won’t troll this time
no not chris im gonna miss you so much, sincerely, your best boyfriend, floppa
idk what we're going to do without a senior helper fuck. not the news I wanted to come home from work too. fucking gutted.
Bye Chris i will never forget how we were hunting cheaters while waiting for mods to hop on
i really hope you will start a truck driving job because i know you like trucks <3