Returning to raids as a civilian (5.3)

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United Kingdom, Devon
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 5.3 - Trespassing

Your version of the rule: Players are not allowed to violate laws 11.4 or 11.5 on an occupied property more than 3 times in a 60 minute period. Players can not violate laws 11.4 or 11.5 on the same property more than 2 times in a 60 minute period. If a player has died whilst trespassing on a property the aforementioned player must wait 30 minutes after their NLR has expired before returning to a property unless the same raid/rp sit is still ongoing, if returning to the same property within the same sit it does not count as your 2 visits within the 60 minute period.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: Currently perp has gotten a tad stale and unbalanced within raiding, the ability to return to KOS cops for org members once your NLR timer is up is key to keeping interest for a prolonged amount of time. When was the last time the server had a 1 hour + raid going on? The server is missing shootouts especially ones that go on for a long amount of time due to being restricted via the rules. After speaking to some staff members and respected community members I believe this will be widely supported by the current active playerbase.
I have been warned for trespassing onto a property where i have died before whilst my org was still raiding but it's unfair how if you raid office for example, you're not allowed in that property whilst the raid is still ongoing, the cops could literally just zerg up on some stairs and because they can keep coming back they could hold for days and if there is only one person left inside 9 times out of 10 they're gonna hold and wait for a flank. The flankers that died in the property before hand wouldn't be able to do anything to help all the org members inside due to them not being allowed to go on that property, and eventually it'd just end in a PD winning unless someone with giant bollocks decides to push the stairs and kill them all, but usually by that time the whole PD has just re spawned and if the cops on the stairs killed the raider it's an automatic win since we're not allowed to push the stairs and kill the remaining cops for the defender or we'd have to wait outside for the person who was last alive to come and be escorted by the remaining police force inside and usually the ones that have respawned.
I'd rather see too it that cops get the rule regarding the 30 minute cool down state applied to them but this isn't a bad suggestion in itself to be honest. Your orgmates are usually your mates and I don't know about anyone else but I find it difficult to crack one out whilst my mates screaming for help in org chat knowing full well that no ones gonna come save him because of this rule. Although there once was a time where 1 shootout would be a 2 hour long war zone and to an extent its understandable that the rule is in place to prevent that happening however the manner in which the rule was implemented bias's the rule in cops favour. People can argue that this is "rEaLiStIc" but in full honesty gameplay > Realism in this sense and I'd quite like to see this changed, But again, Having a 30 minute raid cooldown for officers too would make things a lot more balanced. The issue with this idea is however that it's been suggested and denied, this suggestions a pretty new one so I'm putting faith into this idea that it would work.
I personally think reverting it rather than locking off a section of the map until its come to an end for 30 mins its a better alternative. This was previously denied by @MrLewis and hes a weirdo anyway ;)
A not really wise man(questionable) once said "play smarter, not harder"

Fr tho I fully agree with your suggestion
No, because crims simply don't leave. They stick just lingering around to kills more leo's for lulz. Its different if its your own property and you want to defend it but there is no point in returning to a shootout you caused. I do agree with you that perp is seriously unbalanced atm, with cops losing 80%+ of all shootouts, we're working on getting a helmet for the TFU atm.

Also i personally don't believe 1 hour raids are necessary ;/
Honestly I agree with Slayerduck on this, while you're a criminal it's a great idea, because all you want to do is help your friends out, I know that feel. But you have to understand this situation from police and staff perspective, I know some staff are pro for this change but I know alot that aren't, the reason why this shouldn't be changed at all is simply because what Slayerduck said; Criminals never fucking leave, and if they do it takes them 3 hours to move because they want to value their drugs over their stupid lives, which is horrible. Now please note I'm not trying to blame you Husky or anyone else in your group for this because I haven't been on to seen this for a while but I know for a fact that this is something that happens frequently. Cops are the force that should be the strongest in any game where it's a battle between the two groups, where as the criminals have an upper hand because they can call their backup, as soon as the cops in the area have been killed and there are like 3 or 4 left, the criminals should always get their guns to their cars to gtfo, stop giving up so much time and lives for drugs, it's not in my eyes how the game should be played.
The argument of crims staying is ridiculous, if cops were aware crims had reinforcements on the way they would be less inclined to camp outside and wait for LEO's to respawn and respond.
Its not a argument, its fact. My AR i made a couple weeks ago is a great example of a whole group. This happens all the time
If they stick around for too long its either due to them being idiots or cops camping outside sniping with berettas. Can be dealt with via an AR or a flank lol.
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