Riot against paralake deportation!

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Have any of your friends recently been deported by any of the following corrupt immigration officers listed here?

We plan on rising above the system and instilling fear of the people back into the governing bodies of Paralake! We will be staging a "Peaceful" Protest to waste police resources! They can't stop us all!

The objective:
Police will have no legal rights to discharge a firearm upon us as our actions will not warrant legal use of lethal force. Instead, the paralake police department will essentially be forced to cordon off the area in masses, allowing for crime! We're making the city worse for the greater good, no more deportations!

We storm the city hall and disrupt government services with an assertive front for our cause!

The PLPD's crowd control training is virtually nonexistent, but there internal policies state that they must refrain from "Escalating" the situation!

Hopefully the riots will take place at 5PM on January 2nd, 3rd and 4th!

They cant stop us all!​
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