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Topic: Robbery

Short explanation (in notes):
- More realism
- Brings more action for gov officials
- More RP situations

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

The amount of money you get for a bank robbery is way to low. You will spend more money on ammo than you actually get form the robbery. The money you can rob in a big group should be raised up to 50-70k and depends on how many cops are on.

Optional additions:

As additional option, make it possible to rob Jenny's jewelery store, To unlock this, there must be atleast 5 cops (officers, not swat/chief/speedenforer) in duty.
I agree, I support this. I mean like, it should be around 100k if there are max 4 SWAT and max 10 Cops, as you need like 12+ people for it, and the chance for death is very very high. Whilst when it is something like 3 cops, it should be like 12k or something like that.
+Support, this would mean government officials will have to work harder to stop them getting away and taking the money. In addition when 6 people rob the bank and they get like 4k that is not enough.
+support now you dont get much from an bank rob. and robbing jewelery store will also add more realism BUT there should be an cooldown timer likekilling spree said.
+Support However how could the bank know how many robbers there are?

EDIT: Forgot that everyone has to get a warrant status or else its against the rules, sorry. If it can happen it's nice.
Massive +Support; The other day I planned a bank robbery for 1 hour. Went through with it and got only 7k? Like man. There is also lot's of stacks of money in the vault and we got not even a quarter of one of them? lol.
We got 7k last time we robbed the bank. Maybe a bit too low for if you look how many stacks of cash you see inside the vault. +support
+support - I agree with all above here - Its not because people are greedy about the money, its more the realistic part - Robbing a bank where there are tons of cash in the vault and then you get out with 3-7k - Thats a bit lame
Acaully this could be a pretty awesome idea, With robbering a jewervy store, So huge +Support from me!
+ Support. The both ideas are great (more money from bank robberys and be able to rob the jewelry store)!

It's totally unrealistic to rob a bank and get only 7k or so. 100k or even more would be better. Like, wtf, you rob a bank.
I think the amount you can get should go up, but it should take MUCH longer to get the money out and escape. Too many times the bank can be robbed and the robbers gone without a trace before the police arrive, making the bank too easy to rob with too much reward. There should be much more risk involved for those robbing it.

make it more like a heist, you have to do some more then just lockpick a door and point a gun.
Like if it were possible to make a basement in the bank, then you have to run in like take everybody inside the bank as hostage, then wait about 1-5 min wile you are hacking the bank security system or what ever, and then you need c4 to to blow a big vault. And then pack a diffent amount off bags with money could be like 3-8 bags.
Would be kinda cool, and also very hard
-support as it would massively unbalance the games economy in favour of people in a large gang over someone who grinds for twice as long alone or in a small group.
+Support - If people are able to rob Jewellery stores and stuff it would add more things for police and swat to do instead of waiting for a bank robbery which not is just boring because its happened so many times.
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