Professional Stripper
Your in-game name: Dai-Gon Jinn
Steam ID:
What do you need refunded:
Minus (-)
Why do you want your item(s) refunded: After I went on duty, the items no longer seen disappeared and are no longer in my storage. Usually they'd go in a locker but these literally disappeared. I reconnected while on duty which can be shown by logs and can upload a demo if needed, just need a time-stamp.
http://plays.tv/video/5a0617001bb4703684/my-shit-gone - Shows what I've lost
http://plays.tv/video/5a0617da502854f23f/my-shit-gone-and-not-in-inv Show's what I had in my inv after recconecting as cop.
http://plays.tv/video/5a06187bc9a7842bee/my-weak-ass-inv - My weak asf Inv that no longer has the items that disappeared.
Steam ID:
What do you need refunded:
Minus (-)
Why do you want your item(s) refunded: After I went on duty, the items no longer seen disappeared and are no longer in my storage. Usually they'd go in a locker but these literally disappeared. I reconnected while on duty which can be shown by logs and can upload a demo if needed, just need a time-stamp.
http://plays.tv/video/5a0617001bb4703684/my-shit-gone - Shows what I've lost
http://plays.tv/video/5a0617da502854f23f/my-shit-gone-and-not-in-inv Show's what I had in my inv after recconecting as cop.
http://plays.tv/video/5a06187bc9a7842bee/my-weak-ass-inv - My weak asf Inv that no longer has the items that disappeared.