RR Dillian Regal.

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Parts Unknown
Your in-game name: Dillian Regal

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:27065955

Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Well, I feel like it was no ones fault and it lost in a situation that involved no RP. My internet cut out, twice. Causing me to lose 2 big pots, 5 small pots, 5 weed seeds and 10 cocaine seeds. I was told that if you time out whilst growing drugs, there is a system in place to remove them. Incase somone pulled out their cable or something (I don't know) but in my case it was just technical difficulties. I would like my items back, as it was no fault of my own that they were lost.


Tick:First event, around 23000 as shown in demo. Second event at around 13000.

Ps: sorry if my typing doesn't make sense, I haven't slept in a while.
Unfortunately, you won't get refunded if the drugs dissapeared by a connection lost on your side, only when the server disconnects by a ddos or something. It's annoying but you'll have to live with it
It only returns to storage if the server crashes.
If it's your internet, then there is nothing we can do about it.
Just because it might not be your own fault, it doesn't mean that it's the servers fault either. The system is there, like you said, to stop people pulling their internet connection before a raid happens so they won't lose their drugs. You also need to put a download link to the demo if you have a video, and your video is quite fast so looks a bit dodgy.

Unfortunately we only refund items that were lost as a direct result of a Server-side error or rule infringement, your drugs were lost as a result of your poor connection (a client side issue).
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