RR - @ShadowJoey

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Professional Stripper
Reaction score
Your in-game name: Dai John

Steam ID:

What do you need refunded: AK-74u, compensator, compact sight and Full. 4 large pots and seeds

Why do you want your item(s) refunded: PLPD breached, failed to announce themselves in a raid, causing us to have to help and flank. Reason was there was a wanted person inside, didnt have a chance to even negotiate. Joey dealt with admon sit.

Evidence: http://plays.tv/video/58ea2388d1fc9db872/plpdnoknock @ShadowJoey

You guys saw us from the window you knew cops were there therefor you guys yelled cops raiding and stuff and started shooting.
@Silent investigated the whereabouts of John Cale, he found him to be inside Regals 5, I also came to Regals to witness myself that he was inside. Once we knew I ordered all Units, Swat, Medics to Regals to Conduct a Search Warrant. As we moved up I could hear Dylan shouting we are being raided, so you know full well what was about to happen. Here is a Video of a Raid Jordan did:
Of which the the exact same we were planning on doing, however we got Wall banged and that changed the whole situation, I know we lost a few cops and suspects, however we did conduct a successful Search.
I dont get this RR, you knew it was police, indicated by the video, shot at the police before they even breach then complain because they didn't announce themselves? It was made pretty clear by you guys that they were officers. "Welp we are going to get raided" "cop". If you were civilians you would of seen they were police and not shot. Once you start wallbanging the officers are not going to waste time shouting "PLPD" when they are fully aware that YOU KNOW who they are and are shooting at them knowing its the police.
No-Knock raids are allowed. What is your issue? Seems like a classic case of salty because you died.
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