Professional Stripper
Your in-game name: Dai John
Steam ID:
What do you need refunded: AK-74u, compensator, compact sight and Full. 4 large pots and seeds
Why do you want your item(s) refunded: PLPD breached, failed to announce themselves in a raid, causing us to have to help and flank. Reason was there was a wanted person inside, didnt have a chance to even negotiate. Joey dealt with admon sit.
Evidence: http://plays.tv/video/58ea2388d1fc9db872/plpdnoknock @ShadowJoey
Steam ID:
What do you need refunded: AK-74u, compensator, compact sight and Full. 4 large pots and seeds
Why do you want your item(s) refunded: PLPD breached, failed to announce themselves in a raid, causing us to have to help and flank. Reason was there was a wanted person inside, didnt have a chance to even negotiate. Joey dealt with admon sit.
Evidence: http://plays.tv/video/58ea2388d1fc9db872/plpdnoknock @ShadowJoey