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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Your in-game name: Bertie *TRADING*

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:39724163

What do you need refunded: 2 Fully loaded ak-47 1 beretta 10 coco seeds 15 cannabis seeds. 9 pots

Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Basically a cop arrived at our door to talk about or boarded windows, after awhile of talking to the officer we heard shots, which were CLEARLY not from our apartment as that officer could hear, he DID tell the other officers, however they refused to listen/didn't hear them.

The officers clearly raided number 4 and found the dead guy. But then proceeded to raid us

Other pots can be proven using the drive feature on the demo


Evidence: https://mega.nz/#!y8oDgSJA!2SDNAYHh3DV8_wq5QajPj_wCvWrSHxEAlPgBL4pyheU

Tick: 40000
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Have you considered making an AR on the first cop that showed up? Because not only was he completely clueless regarding the laws, he also potentially caused the subsequent police raid that made you lose your items, due to his lack of professionalism. He agreed to the laws and rules when he first joined and it may be that he broke rule 4.3, as he didn't seem to care too much about learning at least the basic LEO laws, specially 11.2 and 11.5.
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