Your in-game name: Brandon Casavant
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:28959830
What do you need refunded: 2 planter boxes with light poles, radiators, and water bottles + 12 coke seeds, 1x ak47+stock w/ full mag and holosight
Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Delay on compliance with /me's resulted in a police situation which would've easily been avoided, resulted in a raid on Alfa's shop. Dealt with by @Super_
Evidence: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....170/F75078A80486DAD9FE18CA5A20BEDE4EA8A04246/
Tick: N/A.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:28959830
What do you need refunded: 2 planter boxes with light poles, radiators, and water bottles + 12 coke seeds, 1x ak47+stock w/ full mag and holosight
Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Delay on compliance with /me's resulted in a police situation which would've easily been avoided, resulted in a raid on Alfa's shop. Dealt with by @Super_
Evidence: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....170/F75078A80486DAD9FE18CA5A20BEDE4EA8A04246/
Tick: N/A.