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This fucking situation has recently began to bug the ever living fuck out of me the more I thought about it.
Your in-game name: Sam Devyn (In AR) (Alexandra Lotus, current)

Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:56233091

What do you need refunded: Engine of my BMW M1 at the price of ~4770$ and an M24. which results in ~$60k

Why do you want your item(s) refunded: The entire situation revolves around the first act of setting the PD on fire by Ido Alardin, if he hadn't started or supplemented the fire with gas cans for no reason, I wouldn't have involved myself, he unnecessarily escalated the situation. Which leads to the next set of actions, which mind you, wouldn't have happened AT ALL had he not set the PD ablaze for no good reason. I may have attempted to stop or tamper with the situation, but in no way could Ido have known what I was going to pull out of my trunk at all, for all he knew it could have been a wrench, yet he killed me before the weapon could even appear in my hands, making it a preemptive kill, and also a no-effort to try to directly gunpoint me to ensure his own safety.

The entire situation could have easily been resolved if he had just told me to place the weapon back in the trunk. Being killed and mugged is effectively the same thing in regards to losing the M24, so in the end, it wouldn't have mattered whether or not I was shot due to "feeling threatened". It was all an unnecessary situation, and if no fire was apparent I would most likely have gone cop and done something else.
The entire situation was not supposed to happen, especially considering the fire played a huge part in changing my actions. Furthermore, my car was shot because I took a gas can. He would risk imprisonment by discharging his firearm in front of a PD, over a fucking gas can. I'm not saying that he wouldn't already be doomed to a jail sentence anyway due to the fire, but it's ridiculous to think that you'd rather take a jail sentence than losing a gas can to some dude jogging by is absolutely beyond me.

Evidence: https://perpheads.com/threads/ar-on-ido-alardin.23206/

AR accepted.

Yes, I'm still aware of what I said in my previous RR, but if you read the text at the top, you'll understand why, or not.
Denied, the AR was accepted literally almost two years ago.
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