I'm playing on the SAMP RP server called LS-RP. It's much more realistic roleplay to be honest. It's nice if you love typing since you can't speak with a mic but all your actions and /me's need to be typed. Map is much bigger and it has like 500+ people playing. It's much harder to get guns on there so it's all about the RP most of the time.
I think a few people like @Rogue Car Tyres play on SAMP. I, personally, wouldn't play on SAMP as it doesn't have voice chat if I'm thinking of the right thing but it might be interesting.
There is probably quite a large difference between PERPHeads and SAMP, though.
Mainly because they're both on two completely different games.
Btw next time post this in the "Games" or "Off Topic" section instead of the "General Discussion" section, as this is mainly for things related to our server.
Yea I used to play SAMP on the same server as @Belg Lmfao. It took me 8 applications to get accepted on the server.
I was playing on a German roleplay server and it's quite neato. However, my car was refunded only half of it's cost because it was removed from the list of purchasable cars. If you can't be arsed to type almost every command in the chat then you're going to hate it unless you get a keybinder.

Also, depending on the server it might be a shitshow. This German one is literally DarkRP with no one roleplaying (It is now, wasn't before some years ago), it's just do some shit job or get rich with drugs, the police literally jail you for 2 hours if you break a law. Jail is also different on some servers but on the German one it's terrible with an AFK checker coming every 10 minutes and if you don't answer it you get booted of which means you cannot sit out your jail sentence.

It might be not everyone's tea but I yet have to try a different RP server, I quite like RP on SAMP, even with a lot of players.
it's very annoying when you type like a flid in general and your only hope is backspace.

mainly why I don't like typing.
I have played a lot of SAMP LS-RP in particular. Should be rename Prison Simulator i have served something like 30+hours in prison on LS-RP. I'm never out the fucking place!@Thomas DeSimone