Sam's goodbye

Reaction score
Parts Unknown
Posted for @Sam

Hello, so yes I got a community wide ban today and that was because I didn't report a hacker to the staff team and I was meta gaming with him, so I can say nothing but sorry to everyone who I have disapointed. I made a massive fuck up I only have myself to blame.

I would like to say thank you to everyone who made the server fun to play. I won't name any individuals because the list would be so big. Thank you once again for the good times and all the good friends I have made. Cya.
Seemed like a good lad Sam but knowing someone is cheating and not reporting it just seems unlike you, some dumb decisions made from you in the last month but hopefully a couple months can go by and you can make an apology.
Im really suprised that u did it actaully , ive known you for ages , as husky said its not like you ... still love you sam hit me up if u want h1z1 or something and u can still apeal u didnt cheat yourself