Server Ban Dispute (Dom_)

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Punishment Type: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Dom_
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: Emerald
Your Roleplay Name: Emy Tiramisu
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:212435254

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: "He can make an appeal on the forums, Dom handled the situation because he was the one who killed them for failing to comply" -Ellie

Why should this appeal be considered?: As shown in the video i was trying to get the barricade removed from the Tesla. Emily and Ellie had a discussion about barricades if it's allowed or not in LOOC and i was nearby listening in. I've also tried grabbing Emily's attention while they were AFK on the scene and tried to remove as many obstacles as possible for people.

(The barricades were from Emily and the Roadblock was created by Emily)

Why Dom_ killed and banned me for "Failing to Comply" is beyond me as in the video it's shown that i've immediately tried to remove the barricade from the Tesla as soon as they got stuck, and i've had 0 orders been given to me by anyone. I've had little involvement in this situation, only initially staging for any EMS work for slums. On top of that, the third fire fighter setting up barricades further into the shootout bellow shady street has been left unpunished despite also setting up barricades like Emily.

Also Emily is a terrible Supervisor, even Bnje said: Yeah just a tip. If Emily Hellerstorm or whatever their name is tells you to do anything, don’t do it."

Additional Information: The third Fire Fighter has been left unpunished, despite doing the same thing further down the road.
Emily testified it's all her fault and that she should've been banned only due to taking us under her Supervision.
None of the barricades were mine and were placed or ordered by Emily.
I was on scene and far enough way from slums, trying to get traffic flowing, warning other people of a shootout and assisting in any way possible, such as when the Tesla got stuck.
Dom was lying about the "Not Complying" as shown in the video.
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Full steam message by Ellie to Emily:

[4:41 PM]
When I said he shouldn't risk his life, I obviously meant not create a barricade in an active shoot out and refuse to move when being gun pointed, not risking their life in a burning building lol. He can make an appeal on the forums, Dom handled the situation because he was the one who killed them for failing to comply
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You should provide all of it when I told both of you to remove the barricades twice before this situation where you died. Just using this short clip is misleading and does not show the full situation.
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I'm not worried about the claim of you not complying because it's not in your ban reason, but you, in no instance, should be setting up roadblocks around a shootout as a Firefighter. You saw them ramming the barricades and trying to get through and it was completely reasonable to assume that they were the ones involved in the shootout so you should have acted quicker and removed them, you only reacted after they got out the car.

As @Ellie mentioned to you both in-game, you're a firefighter, not a cop.

If you have evidence of someone else doing the same thing, feel free to make an action request and it will be dealt with.
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